Saturday, September 17, 2016

Master of education in teacher leadership program standards

Seattle Pacific University | Master of Education in Teacher Leadership Program Standards

Competencies: The Seattle Pacific University Master of Education in Teacher Leadership will center on the following program competencies aligned with the Washington State teaching criteria but also serve as a foundation for teacher leadership:

1. Continuous improvement of teaching and learning, promoting student growth
2. Commitment to high levels of achievement for all students
3. Development of safe and responsive community schools
4. Commitment to the moral, ethical, and professional practices that characterize leadership in education

Product/artifact/portfolio exhibit

Foundations and Research

Teacher Leaders…

model ethical and moral behavior.
EDU 6085    Moral Issues in Education (3)

A document that articulates the moral piece of a vision as an educational leader that can guide the student as they proceed in their professional career.  

analyze learning to promote student growth.
EDU 6979   Action Research in School Settings (3)

EDU 6528 Accomplished Teaching

Review of educational material for specified group of students.  Analysis of classroom practices/environment for student engagement.

improve teaching and learning through the use of educationalresearch at the classroom and school levels.
EDU 6979    Action Research in School Settings (3)

Initial action research project – classroom level

EDU 6980   Applying Research in School Settings (3)

Article critiques and data analyses connected to both primary and secondary sources

Teacher Leadership Focus

engage in analysis of teaching and collaborative practices.
EDU 6528     Accomplished Teaching (3)

Analysis of teaching and collaborative practices that support improved instruction. Video segments of classroom and coaching strategies.


establish a culturally inclusive learning climate that facilitates academic engagement and success for all students.

EDU 6525     Culturally Responsive Teaching (3)

Plans for improving the cultural sensitivity of an educational setting.

communicate and collaborates with a variety of stakeholders

EDU 6600     Communication and Collaboration:  Parents, Colleagues, Community (3) 

Educator Professional Learning Plan connected to SIP

communicate and collaborates with a variety of stakeholders

EDAD 6589   Engaging Communities (3)

EDU 6600   Communication and Collaboration (3)

CEP – Community Engagement Plan

Educator Professional Learning Plan connected to SIP

utilize instructional frames to improve teaching

EDAD 6580   Leadership in Education (3)

1. LEP – Learning Environment Profile Analysis 
2. Introduction to the Professional Growth Plan 


present professional practice for the review of colleagues

EDU 6990     Teacher Leadership Capstone (3)

Presentation of reflective capstone project – end of program reflections aligned to all TL standard areas.

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Focus

evaluate and use effective curriculum design

EDU 6524     Curriculum Design (3)

Curriculum maps or analysis of curriculum alignment
understand effective use of research based instructional practices

EDU 6526     Survey of Instructional Strategies (3)
Analysis of implementation for several classroom-basedinstructional strategies
Utilize formative and summative assessment in a standards based environment

EDU 6613     Standards Based Assessment (3)

Comprehensive formative and summative assessment plan for a classroom-based unit of study.
evaluate and use technology for teaching and learning

EDTC 6433   Teaching with Technology (3)

Student and teacher tools, strategies, products demonstrating effective use. (ISTE standards)

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